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Showing posts from October, 2017

music this is a pretty popular song going around recently. While i normally dislike rap/ whatever kind of music this is, i found the lyrics and the video to be very deep. the song is about the feeling we all get of wanting to kill ourselves and hating existing, but then the lyrics take a turn to the prospective of a suicide hot line worker. the lyrics then go on to say how you should be alive, and the next verse turns into the suicidal guy saying he wants to be alive. what i found particularly interesting about this song is the way it was able to reach people through music that normal advice and talking could not. what i mean by this is that while everyone always says don't kill your self, it clearly doesn't work. however after this songs release, calls to the suicide hot line went up significantly. is this just because people now know the number to the hot line, as the title of the song is that number, or because the song was able to con...


Its that time of the year again. everything thing is back in full swing. school days have established their rhythm and work schedules are repetitious. Everyone is running like clockwork, waking up, going to class, studying, maybe hanging out with friends for a bit, working, homework, then bed. rinse and repeat till the weekend. In the monotony of it all, i often find myself think whats the point of doing all this, to get a degree so i can work a 9-5 job for the rest of my life? maybe its just to please my parents or perhaps i just feel inclined by society to get a degree or be a failure. whatever the reason may be, i hate it. However, despite my hatred of all this hollow humdrum, i recall a video i watched at the start of this year. the video was about the repetition of life, and how you can either get angry at it or learn to live with it. This video stuck with me, and while I'm displeased with the average everyday, I've learned to put up with it.