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Showing posts from August, 2017

first post this was a video i came across while working on an assignment for my calculus class. this video just seemed to encompass what this whole first week was about for me, that how you choose to think will determine everything for you. its not the your inherent skill that will determine your success but your attitude about your situation. you can choose to always get angry or not try your best because you believe that something is inherent to you or you can choose to see the brighter side of things and always try your best. its these decisions that ultimately determine success and its in our power to just make the right chose. Personally i can learn from this because I've felt that any non-major related class isn't worth my time and as such i haven't been really putting in my full effort into these classes. eventually, should i continue to think this way, my grades will reflect my lack of effort or i can change my...